Known for its impressive and innovative architecture, this winery can be found right in the centre of Apalta. The Gregorian chants that play in the background add to the serene charm of this place.
It took the efforts of two wine-making experts, Aurelio Montes and Douglas Murray to realise the potential of this place and start a winery here, way back in 1987. There has been no looking back, ever since. The Montes Alpha Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular premium wine produced here.
This winery is home to some of the well-known wines in the industry today. They are Alpha M, the first Chilean ultra-premium wine to have been ever produced, Folly, Purple Angel, Twins, Late Harvest, Outer Limits, Montes Sparkling Brut, Taita and Cherub. This winery, with its natural extravaganza, is one of the most-visited tourist destinations in the Apalta Valley.
One of the best things of the Vina Montes winery located in La Finca de Apalta is that it is built using designs explained under the Feng Shui principles. So, you will experience a sense of calmness and positivity when touring this marvellously beautiful place. When you come here, you can choose from quite a few excellent wine-tasting tours.