El Esteco’s nearly 1,000 acres of vineyards condense all the spirit of the region in their fruit and the fusion between the legacy of ancient civilizations, the Hispanic influence and the criollo spirit
El Esteco is located in the Calchaquí Valleys, a beautiful natural landscape comprising Cafayate and Chañar Punco.
Cafavate’s desert climate and soils, poor in organic matter, define a unique terroir that is exclusive of this small region, allowing the most distinctive and elegant high-end wines, with great concentration of colour, deep aromas and well-defined flavours.
At 2000 meters above sea level, Chañar Punco’s terroir displays unique characteristics. Poor, rocky and calcareous soil combined with the scarce heat load, radiation, in the months prior to harvest, allows the grape to slowly develop its maximum expression.
Vineyards orientation runs from North to South allowing moderate winds from the north to improve the microclimate of the canopy. Distilled water is pumped deep from the soil and drip irrigation is used.
El Esteco’s iconic vallisto Spanish colonial-style building, surrounded by ancient vineyards and featuring galleries and inner patios, denotes the elegance of the typical colonial architecture from the north of the country. The hundred-year-old building contrasts with the latest wine production technologies found inside the winery such as the concrete containers, the stainless-steel tanks, and the poetic French and American oak barrels, which produce wines of diverse styles, flavors and aromas.